Morning Ritual

posted in: Poems | 4



Sometimes a cup of coffee

Is an absent minded ritual

Filling the seams of another activity

Grout in the mosaic tiles of life


Sometimes I would not be able to tell you

What the experience is like

The drinking of a cup

Of Café au lait colored brew


But this morning I know

The feel of the handle of the hand thrown mug

The exact curve in my hand


The balance of roasted brewed beans

To organic cream

The cream lingering on the surface of my tongue


The splash of caffeine on the back of my throat

Hardly ever too hot

Today I notice





4 Responses

  1. Nancy Mertens Raeburn

    Janet–I loved this one. How I love my cafe au lait. This inspires
    me to experience it more deeply, instead of distractedly as I read
    the morning news.

    Thank you.

    • HealingJourneys

      Wonderful and thank you. I look forward to seeing you in Jane’s class on Friday.

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