Birthdays – Taking Stock

I love birthdays, birthday parties, and the celebration of life that accompanies the whole idea of birthdays. As I have gotten older, I was surprised to find that not everyone enjoys celebrating birthdays. I’ve learned that in some families, there is a casual attitude towards birthdays and in fact, they may barely be acknowledged. Like so many of our expectations and habits, how one celebrates birthdays harkens back to how we were raised and what our family culture taught us was subjectively “right” with its traditions and implied and explicit attitudes towards birthdays. Recently I learned that in Danish traditions, birthdays are celebrated with great fanfare and extravagant tributes that honor the person celebrating the anniversary of the day they were born. I have some Danish ancestry in my heritage, so maybe that is why, in our family, we celebrate birthdays with great panache.

I celebrated my birthday this week. This year as I turned 69 years old, and ushered in my 70th year I took time to pause and take stock of my life. As I close this 7th decade of my life over the next 12 months, I wanted to notice the complexity of life; the textures and hues of daily living. I woke with ease on my birthday morning, fixed a delicious cup of coffee and sat down at my writing desk, which looks out at my sloping back yard and the frozen pond that is home to a variety of wild life all year around. Without intention, I was filled with a deep gratitude for this very moment. Quickly, as if being asked to notice by some unseen Divine voice, I began to witness a lifetime of moments. Each moment had a rich story that surrounded it with details, colors, faces, multi sensory depth, and each one was richly personal. I began to write. Words. Each word was written slowly as it represented the scenes in my life that have contributed to make me who I am. As each scene revealed itself, a word appeared and I wrote it down. Gradually, I had a list of words that helped me take stock of my life, delight in the variety, and expand my gratitude.

I am sharing my list of words with you. As you read my list, I invite you to let them trigger your own memories and deepen your appreciation of the richness of the life you have lived. Perhaps you will begin your own list of memory words. I have vowed to continue to add to my list of word memories as time goes on. This is a wild and wonderful ride.

Journal Entry, January 9, 2019

Happy Birthday to me. 69 years on this earth, in this body, in this soul.

Stretching, growing, reshaping, moving, birthing, dancing, bending, crying, laughing, swimming, sitting, writing, drawing, singing, loving, hugging, holding, digging, scraping, weeping, weaving, painting, building, sleeping, yearning, wishing, hoping, dreaming, fishing, cooking, resting, reading, talking, healing, cleaning, bathing, breaking, washing, sweeping, groaning, grieving, gazing, growing, planting, healing, fixing, diving, rhyming, skating, plowing, shoveling, sleeping, praying, thinking meditating, greeting, traveling, listening, planning, burying, lifting, packing, wrapping, capturing, photo-ing, kissing, leaving, joining, mowing, smelling, shopping, walking, hiking, eating, living, aging, wrinkling, slipping, sipping, pouring, serving, dressing, learning, deepening, befriending, fearing, receiving, gifting, opening, closing, accepting, wondering, ignoring, rejecting, letting go, indulging, creating, continuing.

6 Responses

  1. Nancy Raeburn

    Happy Birthday, dear Janet!
    The best is yet to come, I’ve found. May you
    continue to thrive and grow in Spirit. I love your
    Healing Journeys entries. They help to center me and to
    remind me of where my true self resides. Thank you.

    • HealingJourneys

      Thank you Nancy. I take your words to heart and hold them dear. I hope your writing month is going well. Thank you for taking the time to stop by on my Healing Journeys site.

  2. Debra Palmquist

    Janet-What a great exercise, especially on a birthday. We are all made up of so many qualities that are called up as our life is lived. I so look forward to connecting later this week at the retreat. I hope you will also use pictures or drawings to take stock too, Deb

    • HealingJourneys

      Thank you Deb. I agree whole heartedly. I do use pictures, art, sketches, drawings, images and even textures to take stock and expand my understandings. Yes! Looking forward to time together at the retreat this weekend. Janet

    • HealingJourneys

      Thank you Sue! I have played around with my list and am working on turning it into other forms. For me, it already was a poem. Wishing you the best!

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