Yin and Yang

posted in: Healing Journey | 4
Sculpture by Linde Ergo, Belgium
Sculpture by Linde Ergo, Belgium

The practice of mindfulness and meditation often illuminates the peace that is available when we find balance in our lives between the seeking and the letting go, the push and the pull, the light and the shadow, the moon and the sun. These opposite or opposing forces can be referred to as the Yin and Yang of the Energy of Being.


In Chinese philosophy and science and in many other belief systems, the Yin and Yang are considered necessary for each one to exist; complimentary and exquisitely interdependent. In other words, each gives definition to the other. The good and the bad, the joy and the suffering; all part of life and all necessary for us as sacred, spiritual and physical human beings.


The practice of Qigong is an ancient practice of recognizing the power of energy and the deep value of learning to balance the Yin and Yang of energy. It is understood that when energy is misplaced, it may result in illness and unnecessary suffering.


There is a part of Qigong practice that is specifically designed to help balance the Yin and Yang energy. It is done by holding your hands in front of your body and rolling an imaginary ball of energy; the yin and yang.


We are often reminded of the value of living in the attitude of abundance: plenty of time, plenty of money, plenty of energy. The opposite of this would be an attitude of scarcity. This is often represented by fear, worry, and the “what-ifs” and the “I should haves” in our narratives.


It may be my age, and it is certainly a piece of wisdom, that as much as the attitude of abundance is life giving and joy-filled, there is the other side of truth and enlightenment which is that there is limited time, limited money and limited energy. This is not scarcity, but it is the reality and reminder that allows abundance to radiate its beautiful truth.


While in my Qigong practice I was given the image of a beautiful opal, the size of a volley ball, in which I was rolling from side to side, back and forth. This opal danced with the internal fire that is in every opal I have ever seen. There was a galaxy of stars within this opal, with hues of pink and blue and pearly white. It was the most beautiful gem I have ever seen.


It pulsed and moved like the heart beat of the world with the opposing energy forces of life. The Yin and the Yang. It became abundantly clear. There is plenty of time, plenty of money and plenty of energy within the understanding of the awareness that there is a limited amount of time, limited energy and limited money. There will be enough.


The time is now, to pay attention; to live life, to offer kindness, to live generously, to forgive people and situations, to open up to your creativity. Listen, look others in the eye with love, connect a heart string from your heart to theirs. Live in abundance and the lens of preciousness of this moment.

4 Responses

  1. Sue Ready

    Lovely sentiments and I enjoyed the ying and yang backstory. Each blog posted is carefully thought out and filled with many meaningful words of wisdom. I am enjoying each one.

  2. Hilary Bullock

    Thanks for this post – just what I needed today. This is the sentence that really stands out and articulates something I have been feeling and struggling to put into words:

    “There is plenty of time, plenty of money and plenty of energy within the understanding of the awareness that there is a limited amount of time, limited energy and limited money.”

    Beautiful. Poignant. Prophetic.

    • HealingJourneys

      Thanks Hilary. It is so profound for me too. I felt blessed to feel the truth of the energy of the both/ands of life. From one fellow sojourner to another. Love…

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